by Melanie Brown
Questions have been occupying me for months now! Questions for Make it to Market participants setting out on their market journey, for seasoned market traders with a wealth of valuable experience, regular customers and new customers, customers with children, customers with disabilities, the Naturally North Coast and Glens (NNCG) Management Committee, Shauna (the market manager), local authorities, local businesses and the local community...questions for focus groups, for online surveys, paper surveys, video interviews...questions, questions and more questions!
These questions are all about the market and NNCG as an organisation - What difference does it make?
I have asked some of my questions and have more still to ask. :-)
I'm looking forward to finding out the answers and telling you what they are!
In the meantime I just wanted to pause and thank everyone involved so far for their cooperation, patience and interest in the project and in Naturally North Coast and Glens.