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Updates, News & Interesting Snippets about our Artisan Markets in Northern Ireland

Highlights from the National Market Trader Federation's 125th Annual Conference

Last week, we had the privilege of being invited to speak at the National Market Trader Federation's (NMTF) 125th annual conference in Stratford-upon-Avon. It was an honour to share the stage with Catrina from Causeway Speciality Market Coleraine as we presented the success stories of two of Northern Ireland's award-winning markets to a broader audience: Naturally North Coast and Glens and Causeway Speciality Market

Celebrating Local Markets and Traders

The event provided a fantastic opportunity to highlight the thriving market scene in Northern Ireland. We discussed the unique aspects of our markets and shared our experiences on what makes them stand out. The conference brought together organisations and individuals from across the UK, both organisors and market traders themselves.

Inspiration from Young Traders

A significant highlight of the event was hearing from young traders who have excelled in previous Young Trader competitions. One such inspiring individual was Patrick from The Candle Bottle Bank, who travelled over from Northern Ireland, whose journey from a startup to a successful business serves as an inspiration to many aspiring entrepreneurs. Listening to these stories from all the young speakers not only showcases the talent and creativity within our markets, but also demonstrates the potential for growth and innovation within the industry. You can find out more about this years NMTF 2024 Young Trader Competition HERE

Supporting Local Producers

Another delightful aspect of the conference was the gift of Bluebell Cottage Fudge at each table. It was a pleasant surprise to meet the makers and sellers in person. Their presence highlighted the commitment to supporting local producers, which is something we value deeply. The conference setting provided an ideal opportunity to celebrate and enjoy these locally-made delicacies while networking with other attendees. You can find out more about Bluebell Cottage Fudge HERE

National Market Trader Federation

The conference was impeccably organised by the NMTF, the national body that represents market traders, street traders, event retailers, and mobile caterers at local, national, and international levels. Their commitment to supporting traders and promoting vibrant market communities was evident throughout the event.

Looking Ahead

Markets have an important role to play in fostering community spirit, supporting small businesses and encouraging footfall back onto our highstreets. We returned from Stratford-upon-Avon with new connections, fresh ideas for markets in Northern Ireland.

If you're interested in learning more about the NMTF and the work they do to support market traders, visit their website at

We look forward to attending future events and continuing to support the growth of markets across the UK.


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